Binar Production System

Binar Production System (BPS) is a modular MES system and the collective name for the functions we offer.

Our modular Binar Production System (BPS) enables you to digitize, quality assure and streamline your production to improve productivity, reduce waste and increase profitability. BPS is a customizable solution where you choose which modules to install. Its scalability also gives you the option to start on a smaller scale and add new features over time.

These functions may consist of one or more software solution: the parts used vary depending on the customer’s needs.

Advantages of BPS:

  • Visual Pulse (TAKT)
  • Act on Deviations (Andon)
  • Measure your productivity (TAK/OEE)
  • Track results in real time (Visualization)
  • Accelerate and assure part selection (Pick to Light)
  • Ensure design quality (digital instructions)
  • Ensure the quality of embedded electronic system design (test system)
  • Ensure and prove high quality (Traceability)
  • Assure the quality of manual production tasks (Poka Yoke) and improve productivity.


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