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    Hydra Specma logo

    Binar Solutions helps HydraSpecma to achieve higher quality and increase productivity

    When HydraSpecma wanted to streamline and quality assure their production, they turned to Binar Solutions. As a result, they got a turnkey solution that led to more satisfied customers, a greatly reduced number of picking errors, an improved material flow and increased productivity.

    Binar Solutions hjälper HydraSpecma till högre kvalitet och ökad produktivitet


    HydraSpecma saw the potential for improvement. Their order picking was done completely manually, meaning that their operators risked taking the wrong box of materials. Improper assemblies and missed work steps can lead to complaints and large repair costs. In the worst case, faulty products are sent to the customer, which, in addition to abatement costs, also risks damaging the company’s reputation.

    HydraSpecma also wanted to minimize material transfers within the logistics department while being able to guarantee that the oldest material is consumed first, so-called FIFO (First-In-First-Out).

    HydraSpecma turned to Binar Solutions and found out that the company was developing a solution that could streamline and quality-assure their production.


    Binar delivered a complete solution with FIFO flowracks and Pick- and Put-to-light. A Pick-to-light system means that lamp indications show what and how much you should pick. Quality assurance is obtained by acknowledging a sensor or button for each pick. Since the system is digital, you don’t need a pick list but can work completely paperless and with both hands, leading to faster picking and more efficient production.

    FIFO (First-In-First-Out) is a rack system with roller strips that simplifies the handling of the material and ensures that the material is consumed in the intended order. To ensure that the material is refilled in the right part of the material rack, there is also a function called Put-to-light. As the flowrack has a large capacity, the number of refills can be minimized, reducing the number of material transfers.

    “The collaboration with Binar started around 2010 and works very well. It is a fantastic group of people who are great to deal with. They listen to you and develop solutions that you want.”

    -Lars Löwgren, Production technician, HydraSpecma.



    The solution led to HydraSpecma getting a sharply reduced number of picking errors, an improved material flow, increased productivity and more satisfied customers.

    “The solution means that the work goes much faster and that we get the right quality of our products immediately”

    -Robert Ullman, Head of Production, HydraSpecma.


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